Title I - What is it?
Title 1 is a federal program that ensures all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. Title 1 provides supplemental funds to improve achievement of all students enrolled in high-needs schools (at least 75 percent of students receiving free or reduced lunch) by providing federal funding in the following areas:
- Additional academic programs and staff
- After-school tutoring
- Highly qualified teachers
- Intense, on-going professional development
- Meaningful parental involvement activities
- Research-based instructional materials
- Support for families in transition
All students attending Title I schools benefit from the Title 1 funds distributed to those schools to promote higher student achievement.
How does it help the students?
Title 1 supports nine major areas:
Schoolwide Projects
Schools receive supplemental support for upgrading their programs. Therefore, all students attending are eligible to receive services regardless of income status.
McKinney-Vento Program
A supplemental educational and referral program for children and families qualifying for services to families in housing transition. (www.homeless.ocps.net)
Migrant Education
A supplemental program providing social and educational services to migratory children and families. (www.migranteducation.ocps.net)
Alternative Education N & D program
A prevention and intervention program for children and youths who are neglected, delinquent or at risk.
A supplemental program providing academic services for eligible children attending private schools.
Title 1 partners with VPK to provide half of the funding for a full-day program. This partnership seeks to prepare for kindergarten all children four years old on or before Sept. 1, who reside in Orange County.
Academic Tutoring Services
After-school tutoring is provided to selected students attending Title 1 schools.
Parental Involvement
The federal No Child Left Behind Act, Title I, Section 1118 states: “To ensure effective involvement of parents and to support a partnership among each school involved, parents, and the community to improve student academic achievement, each school and local educational agency assisted under this part shall provide materials and trainings to help parents to work with their children to improve their children’s achievement such as literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement. In order to build the capacity of the involvement of parents, parent trainings and learning opportunities, the district will put into operations programs, activities for the involvement of parents. Each local education agency that receive funds under Title 1, Part A shall develop jointly with, and agreed upon with, parents of participating children a written parental involvement policy.”
Professional Development
Schools receive ongoing technical assistance to support professional growth of the instructional and support staff.
Title I Information
Parent and Family Engagement Plan 2024-2025: For English Version click here. Para español oprima aqui.
School Compacts
A School-Parent Compact is an agreement between students, parents, and teachers. It explains how parents and teachers can work together to make sure all of our students reach grade level standards.
OCPS Mission and Vision
- To be the top producer of successful students in the nation.
- To lead our students to success with the support and involvement of families and the community.
Parent Involvement Mission
To increase awareness and participation of community and family involvement to support our student’s success.
School Goals
Goal 1:
Teachers will increase learning gains for students in ELA and Math using data-informed practices with focused intervention and effective progress monitoring.
Goal 2:
Teachers will deepen their knowledge of rigorous, standards-based instructional practices, including close reading, and the role that formative assessment data plays in order to accelerate student performance and increase proficiency.
Grade Level Compacts
2024-2025 Parent-Student-School Compacts